From the Abandoned Library of Irene P.

What happens to an abandoned library?

E.B. White said, “a book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counsellor, a multitude of counsellors.”

What happens then to books abandoned?

Surely those stories still long to be shared.

Do books long for a new owner? Seeking one by happenstance or serendipity?

Just such a case has brought this collection of books to rest here, in the hands of the Delta Literary Arts Society. These books are just a few hundred of a collection of thousands once owned, and then abandoned, by one Irene P.

Who she was, and why she abandoned her books, is a story yet to be written…

These volumes now in search for a new owner where they may inspire, entertain, and astound, but most of all, rest well, cherished in a new library. The Delta Literary Arts Society is proud to be rehoming these books.